What Are Boat Loan Interest Rates Right Now?
Laurie Kiser, Marine Product Manager, gives an overview of current interest rates for boat loans and what information is taken into account when finding the best term and boat loan program for you. More
What Are The Down Payment Requirements When Seeking a Boat Loan?
Laurie Kiser, Marine Product Manager, explains the requirements of down payments for boat loans, the difference between deposits and down payments, and marine financing pre approvals. More
Why You Should Work with OceanPoint Marine Lending?
Laurie Kiser, Marine Product Manager, discusses the benefits of working with OceanPoint Marine Lending. OceanPoint Marine Lending works with 17 different lenders to give you more opportunity to get the best rate in the market as well as different boat... More
What Does OceanPoint Marine Lending Offer?
Laurie Kiser, Marine Product Manager, explains what OceanPoint Marine Lending offers including boat loans, marine financing, and more. More

An Introduction to OceanPoint Marine Lending
An introduction of OceanPoint Marine Lending and the steps needed to receive a boat loan. More